
Erion Professional
Financing model

A fixed annual fee of EUR 480.00 will be charged to cover the Collective Scheme costs relating to assistance and support services. The fee is independent of the volume and/or type of professional EEE placed on the market and if the Producer is registered to more than one Erion collective scheme it shall be subdivided as follows:

  • Producer registered to Erion Professional + Erion Energy or Erion WEEE: EUR 240.00 + VAT per collective scheme;
  • Producer registered to Erion Professional + Erion Energy + Erion WEEE: EUR 160.00 + VAT per collective scheme.

In addition to the annual fee, the Producer will have to bear the costs of managing WEEE on demand, i.e. when the end user requests it.

In each of these cases, the Collective Scheme will send the Member a tailored quotation for the requested service, drawn up on the basis of a specific price list based on the following factors:

  • collection and transport to the facility plant: in relation to the collection location and weight transported in each load;
  • treatment at the facility plant: variable depending on the EWC Code identifying the waste;
  • optional services, such as labour for loading operations, collection from sites with difficult access, collection from places above or below ground, collection in restricted traffic zones, use of handling and lifting equipment.

Furthermore, for Producers not participating in the Exceed program that placed on the market in 2021 a volume of professional EEE of more than 50 tons, an additional fee of EUR 500.00 + VAT is envisaged to cover administrative and assistance costs.

Alternatively, some supply chains operate under the financing model called Erion Exceed, the first voluntary generational system for the collection and recycling of professional WEEE. In this case, Producers shall pay to the Collective Scheme the fees indicated in the table below in order to proactively implement efficient networks for the collection and treatment of professional end-of-life equipment.



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How to
become a member?

Find out how to become a member of the most important Italian Extended Producer Responsibility system for the management of WEEE, Batteries, Packaging, Tobacco and Textile Products. A single service for every need.