Erion Professional

Efficiency, quality, innovation.
At the service of producers.

find out more
About us
Erion Professional is the Producer Responsibility Organisation of the Erion System dedicated exclusively to the management of professional WEEE.

Erion is member of PRONEXA

PRONEXA is the One-Stop-Shop solution for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Europe. Today also for packaging.

Compliance schemes

Six Producer Responsibility Organizations, a single System

To guarantee our Members a unique and excellent service for the management of six types of waste: Professional WEEE, Household WEEE, Waste Batteries, Packaging, Tobacco Products Waste and Textile Waste.


The leading Collective Scheme in Italy in the management of Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment.


For Producers who place Professional Electrical and Electronic Equipment on the market.


Ensures Producers associated to the Collective Scheme the regulatory compliance relating to Waste Batteries.


Comprehensive service for compliance with the requirements of national packaging regulations.


The first national Collective Scheme dedicated to prevent the littering of tobacco products waste.


The Collective Scheme of Textile Producers. To accompany companies in the sector towards sustainable and circular fashion.

Exceed Program

Exceed, circular value.

The Erion Professional programme is the first generational voluntary system for the collection of Waste from Professional Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

News Erion Professional

27 May 2021

Erion presents its first Sustainability Report

Erion Sustainability Report, the one relating to 2020, a year characterized by great challenges that we had to adapt to very quickly as organization and as people.
12 February 2021

Nuova etichetta energetica: linee guida per i produttori

La transizione verso la nuova etichetta energetica si sta attuando più facilmente grazie al progetto BELT, di cui Erion è partner, che fornisce formazione tecnica a produttori, distributori e rivenditori. Scopri obblighi e tempistiche

How to
become a member?

Find out how to become a member of the most important Italian Extended Producer Responsibility system for the management of WEEE, Batteries, Packaging, Tobacco and Textile Products. A single service for every need.